Hi, I'm Bear. Have you met my Wife and kidz?

Hi, I'm Bear. Have you met my Wife and kidz?
Screenshot from Lonestar

April 6th Owlet in Tree by Jill

Blog Archive


**** Our owlets are Noelle on February 5th 4:50 am , Sweet Peeps on February 7 12:28 am, Baby Bear on Feb 9th 11:15pm Brumby, on Feb 11th 8:05 am, Piper, on Feb 13 at 2:47 pm, Sparrow, on Feb 15 at 10:25 am, Elf on Feb 21 10:45 pm****

March 29th: Noelle steps Outside The Box on day 52 from 10 pm to 11: 36 pm!!! Sweet Peeps steps outside on day 58 April 6 1:09 am!! **Baby Bear Outside on Day 56 April 6th!!** Brumby is out on April 7th Day 55!!

Below are Gary and Jill's videos of Willow's owlets in the box !Click here for Outside Camera Link

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Treat report thus far:  1 treat unknown time per teros; 9:58 treat from Nanny owl; 10:38 Bear w/treat; 11:04 Nanny w/treat; 1113 big gopher treat; 11:48 treat by sound
Outside camera down from 1117 to 1244  
@ 10:51 an owlet made its way back into the box from down below  -  crawling up, not much flying so probably one of the younger owlets

Per Hundon: treat at 2.03; Another one after 3 am.
Possibility that Nanny Owl may have tried to intercept a treat?
Bear in the new box calling for Willow at times; many bondings...loads of deeting going on outside!

CuriosityKitten's Cara gets a treat

Couleedam and Lonestar Pics

Couleedam and Lonestar Pics
Noelle On Mommy Feb 16 by Couleedam


Willow outside by Caboval