Hi, I'm Bear. Have you met my Wife and kidz?

Hi, I'm Bear. Have you met my Wife and kidz?
Screenshot from Lonestar

April 6th Owlet in Tree by Jill

Blog Archive


**** Our owlets are Noelle on February 5th 4:50 am , Sweet Peeps on February 7 12:28 am, Baby Bear on Feb 9th 11:15pm Brumby, on Feb 11th 8:05 am, Piper, on Feb 13 at 2:47 pm, Sparrow, on Feb 15 at 10:25 am, Elf on Feb 21 10:45 pm****

March 29th: Noelle steps Outside The Box on day 52 from 10 pm to 11: 36 pm!!! Sweet Peeps steps outside on day 58 April 6 1:09 am!! **Baby Bear Outside on Day 56 April 6th!!** Brumby is out on April 7th Day 55!!

Below are Gary and Jill's videos of Willow's owlets in the box !Click here for Outside Camera Link

Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 30-31st

Couleedams Overnight Report: Eighteen (18) or more treats!
Noelle: 8:07 out, 9:37 in. 10:02 out, 2:58 In

7:49 Treat
8:07 Bear w/treat
8:27 treat
8:42 Bear w/treat
9:28 Bear w/treat
9:49 Bear w/treat
10:27 Willow w/treat
10:34 Bear w/treat
12:03 Willow w/treat
12:06 Bear w/treat
12:44 Bear w/treat
12:54 Willow w/treat
1:17 Bear w/treat
1:29 treat
___Lonestar Reports_____
No treat deliveries since 2:40
3:06 Bear with F & F
3:26 Delivery, taken all the way inside box so likely Willow; she stayed inside only about 5 seconds
3:38 Delivery (ty Hundon)
3:41 Delivery (ty Hundon)
After treat delivery at 3.41, lots of flappercise heard over several minutes; head and body at entrance; no one came out, lasted about 8/9 mins.
4:04am Treat, F&F delivery by Bear
4:18am-- Uh oh, both cameras down at same time, probably Ustream??

____Noelle Update by Couleedam____:
At 8:07 Noelle came out and went back in at 9:37 .
At 10:02 Noelle jumped to perch, missed and went down.
By 10:14 she had crawled back up to the branch using the ladder and going behind the box and onto the branch to the left of the box.
12:43 Noelle slipped down and came up again and was on top of the box
1:22 she went down again and remained atop the box until 2:40 am
___Lonestar's Noelle Update____:
1:41am-- Noelle FINALLY succeeds in getting back down to right side of perch, from limb up above right side of box (after 2nd fall to ground and various approaches to get back)

She sat outside on perch from 1:42am until 2:57am-- very quiet, facing owlbox/door-- likely resting as she tried very hard many different ways for about exactly one hour to get back to owlbox.

____Hundon's Noelle Update_____:
1:42  Noelle got back to the perch. The next half hour there was a two-way 'chat' session (unless it was two owlets squawking for food of course!);  Sweet Peeps(?) could be seen at the entrance and at one point looked as though had done the same thing as Noelle the other night and got up on to the edge.  I wondered if Noelle was suggesting Sweet Peeps  might come out as well!  Anyway, after quite a while, Sweet Peeps thought better of it and went back down into the box.

Lonestar Noelle Update: (Continued)
 2:58am-- Noelle GOES BACK INSIDE
Lots of hissing and fussing as she comes back in!
Noelle had come out (2nd time) at 10:02pm-- and fell to ground trying to land on perch-- climbed back up tree, to branches to left of box-- then fell a second time trying to get to perch)-- got back to perch after an hour and has been outside since then... for total of 4 hours 56 minutes outside!I have a feeling we may see 2nd owlet "out" this coming night or at least in next several nights!!

Noelle on the top of the box at 1:22 am  She was down and back up twice so far at this point last night- she climbs up very quickly!

                             **Baby Bear Turns 50 Today ! ****

CuriosityKitten's Cara gets a treat

Couleedam and Lonestar Pics

Couleedam and Lonestar Pics
Noelle On Mommy Feb 16 by Couleedam


Willow outside by Caboval