Hi, I'm Bear. Have you met my Wife and kidz?

Hi, I'm Bear. Have you met my Wife and kidz?
Screenshot from Lonestar

April 6th Owlet in Tree by Jill

Blog Archive


**** Our owlets are Noelle on February 5th 4:50 am , Sweet Peeps on February 7 12:28 am, Baby Bear on Feb 9th 11:15pm Brumby, on Feb 11th 8:05 am, Piper, on Feb 13 at 2:47 pm, Sparrow, on Feb 15 at 10:25 am, Elf on Feb 21 10:45 pm****

March 29th: Noelle steps Outside The Box on day 52 from 10 pm to 11: 36 pm!!! Sweet Peeps steps outside on day 58 April 6 1:09 am!! **Baby Bear Outside on Day 56 April 6th!!** Brumby is out on April 7th Day 55!!

Below are Gary and Jill's videos of Willow's owlets in the box !Click here for Outside Camera Link

Friday, April 1, 2011

March 30- April 1 -Third Owl? Muffin, is that you??

                                           Screenshots from Lonestar April 1st
DO we have a 3rd owl here, "attending" this owlbox?? Jill has named it "Muffin" : Read more below!!
 GENERAL INFO:  Gary mentioned a couple days ago possibility of third owl.  Well, look at this-- 

At 12:57 am, an owl arrives with treat and departs.  Almost immediately, at 12:58 am, TWO owls arrive right together, one delivers food through door while the other waits on perch below, then they both depart right together.
At 1:01 am, one owl arrives and delivers treat, looks like Willow, and departs to perch below and sits there for 27 minutes which makes me think Willow even more.  I have no idea who all these owls were... of course "most" were probably Willow & Bear.  But I do not see ANY way THREE treats could have been delivered in just under 4 minutes by two owls.  DO we have a 3rd owl here, "attending" this owlbox?? I have read of nests where a 2nd female owl was involved in helping sit on eggs of another female, and then in caring for owlets, so it would not be unheard of. 

1:40 am -- Noelle comes out to perch.  Noelle was still out on perch at 3:00 am when cam goes black.  She was just wandering back and forth. Later one adult on food delivery interacted with Noelle a bit, thought for a minute might have given her the treat, but did not. They clacked beaks and/or did kissy-kissy thing briefly. 
2:05-2:17 Owl arrives down below, can just see head, and calls off and on, probably wanting owlet(s) to come out.
Just before 4:00am-- outside cam back up-- Noelle still on end of perch!!       
Overnight: Treat Total 15: (does not include one brought in but parent left with it after looking inside)
          Noelle out at 1:40 am to 4:18 am (2 hours, 38 minutes total)
 __Couleedam reports_____
7:51 Bear w/unknown
8:08 Willow with Large Rabbit
9:17 unknown
9:53 Bear w/unknown
10:03 Willow w/unknown
11:35 unknown
12:26 unknown

**No outing yet as of 12:26***

__Hundon Reports___
1.08 - 2.16 -maybe one delivery, but not sure.  Two owls outside, also one came out and was very hesitant, possibly Sweet Peeps?

__Lonestar Reports____
12:57 Unknown
12:58 2 owls Unknown
1:01 Unknown
2:02 Willow, Unknown
2:22 Unknown
2:42 Bear, Unknown, but very big
3:01 Unknown (outside cam down 3:00am)

**Treat Update Valid through 4:00am***

****Lonestar with Further Updates:

4:00 am Outside cam back up
4:15 am -- Treat delivery, but "deliverer" must have looked inside and for whatever reason decided to not drop it off; as it was in their beak as they flew away.
4:18 am-- Noelle GOES BACK INSIDE, so out from 1:40am to 4:18am-- 2hrs 38 minutes
Noelle moved around quite a bit on perch, was much more sure-footed than previous night-- not any big drama with her falling etc tonight.  Someone stuck head out several times while Noelle outside, but just heads.
Things inside owlbox VERY quiet last hours, think everyone must be very full and sleeping.
Lonestar -   5:01am PDT
5:43 am Last delivery

Noelle (?) 1:18 am March 31st Screenshot by Hundon

  3-31-11-8:12pm- Noelle downing huge rabbit leg-screenshot by Couleedam

Jill's Fledge Update from previous night- Postcript note from March 30-31st:
"I was up at 10 last night and saw Noelle go down. To the best of my night vision, I don’t think she went to the ground, think she just went a few branches below the cam level!-  Sure would love to know what is going on with Bear and Willow though!
          Jill's Recap of dusk last night before March 30th)
"I could hear Bear and Willow mating in Palm tree next door. This went on for about 30 minutes. I could almost swear they had NOT come out of the tree yet when another owl came from a different direction than Bear or Willow ever come from or hunt from, VERY fast flying, went straight for box with food apparently, then sped off in the same direction it came from. Bear and Willow rarely go that way!! (Jill wishes we could be there to analyze this behavior!) Publisher's note: Fortunately we have Lonestar!

CuriosityKitten's Cara gets a treat

Couleedam and Lonestar Pics

Couleedam and Lonestar Pics
Noelle On Mommy Feb 16 by Couleedam


Willow outside by Caboval