Hi, I'm Bear. Have you met my Wife and kidz?

Hi, I'm Bear. Have you met my Wife and kidz?
Screenshot from Lonestar

April 6th Owlet in Tree by Jill

Blog Archive


**** Our owlets are Noelle on February 5th 4:50 am , Sweet Peeps on February 7 12:28 am, Baby Bear on Feb 9th 11:15pm Brumby, on Feb 11th 8:05 am, Piper, on Feb 13 at 2:47 pm, Sparrow, on Feb 15 at 10:25 am, Elf on Feb 21 10:45 pm****

March 29th: Noelle steps Outside The Box on day 52 from 10 pm to 11: 36 pm!!! Sweet Peeps steps outside on day 58 April 6 1:09 am!! **Baby Bear Outside on Day 56 April 6th!!** Brumby is out on April 7th Day 55!!

Below are Gary and Jill's videos of Willow's owlets in the box !Click here for Outside Camera Link

Sunday, April 3, 2011

April 2-3

7 pm to 1 am update from Couleedam
7:47 owl went in w/treat and stayed in until 8:01
8:05 F&F
8:53 Treat from Bear
9:27  unknown treat
9:42  unknown treat
10:28 Bear w/food
11:24 Bear with treat
11:25 Willow w/treat
11:39  Bear F&F
11:46 unknown treat (Bear?  Went in and out)
12:49 Bear with treat

Noelle was in the doorway 3 times now, but so far, hasn't gone out.
The owl that sits on a lower branch and calls was also there 3 times so far tonight.

Hundon adds three more Fling and Flies: 2am, 5:13 and 5:38 am

Noelle outside through the early morning hours, more details to come.

                               Evening Fledge Update from Lonestar:

Noelle/Owlet Update:
Noelle(?) was in door after 2:24am, trying many ways to get out, and finally at 2:32 am tries for perch and falls (again).  She didn't go much below bottom of camera view, as could see wings flapping lower right. 
By 2:45 Noelle is up on a limb just out of view at bottom of picture, where you can just see top of head and eyes.  This is where Willow has sat many nights calling.  Noelle stays there until around 5:05 am.  There was very little activity in that time (food deliveries).  Then, she realizes she cannot get back to perch from there, and climbs back up through limbs, to above owlbox to left, and comes down through more branches on left.  She has used this "approach" at least 3 times to get back to box, and she seems to remember it. 
At 5:19, she finally makes it back to perch.  At 5:30 am she hops back up to door and goes back in.  So, she was out very close to 3 hours.
Hundon thought that perhaps this was another owlet out (Sweet Peeps) and that is an excellent point.  It would be hard to tell them apart.  And Sweet Peeps is 55 days, which is "prime time" to come out.  But based on actions, I still have to go with it being Noelle, as "it" did so many things just like Noelle has been doing previous nights.  "Someone" was in doorway several times tonight, really close to coming out, but just never made it.  In fact 2 were in door a lot.  And, Noelle again had her head out watching things after daylight for just a while!
Update 6:00am / LoneStar

6:26 am Noelle in for the day. 

It's Almost Time       by FloridaSkye
Their first little heartbeats were felt under Willow's breast
She and BearGrylls protected them, did their best.
And now all this care will be put to the test
As each near-grown owlet prepares to leave the nest.

CuriosityKitten's Cara gets a treat

Couleedam and Lonestar Pics

Couleedam and Lonestar Pics
Noelle On Mommy Feb 16 by Couleedam


Willow outside by Caboval