Hi, I'm Bear. Have you met my Wife and kidz?

Hi, I'm Bear. Have you met my Wife and kidz?
Screenshot from Lonestar

April 6th Owlet in Tree by Jill

Blog Archive


**** Our owlets are Noelle on February 5th 4:50 am , Sweet Peeps on February 7 12:28 am, Baby Bear on Feb 9th 11:15pm Brumby, on Feb 11th 8:05 am, Piper, on Feb 13 at 2:47 pm, Sparrow, on Feb 15 at 10:25 am, Elf on Feb 21 10:45 pm****

March 29th: Noelle steps Outside The Box on day 52 from 10 pm to 11: 36 pm!!! Sweet Peeps steps outside on day 58 April 6 1:09 am!! **Baby Bear Outside on Day 56 April 6th!!** Brumby is out on April 7th Day 55!!

Below are Gary and Jill's videos of Willow's owlets in the box !Click here for Outside Camera Link

Saturday, April 2, 2011

April 1 -2 Happy Birthday Brumby 40 and Elf 30

April 2nd  Owl gives directions at camera
 Happy 40 Day Birthday Brumby!!! Happy 30 Day Birthday Elf!
Overnight: 13

_____Teros & dizzyts report:_____
7:55 FF, 8:01 FF, 8:08 FF, 8:16 FF, 8:24 FF, 8:41 FF.
( Jill said they were going to try and clean the lens when Gary gets home tomorrow.)

Couleedam's report: 10:02 Bear w/unknown;  12:11 Willow w/treat

4:00 am Chat notes a treat 
Couleedam notes: Also, at 10:51 an owl landed just below my view-stayed there until 11:43 PM (probably Willow) but not confirmed.At 12:51, an owl flew directly at the outside camera  (Angowl inserted pic above with commentary)
So far, no owlets out of the box at all as of 12:51 am !

                       1:19 pm update: Additional treat info from LoneStar/  
statOR treat info: 
Willow ; 1.15 ff; 1.27 Willow; 1.59 ff; 3:45 treat, 3:59 treat
  Overnight News: ~Treat Total: 13;
~Noelle out 2:45am, immediately fell, finally back to box (perch) at 4:52, back inside at 5:02am (2hr 17min) ~thanks to Terros, dizzyts, coulee, hundon, statOR, Lone

"There could have been one less treat, as one big one brought by Willow I think was not left-- Willow came back out with it, and flew away with it.  She did this the night before.  I am thinking this is part of "the plan"-- she goes in with treat, "teases" them with it, then leaves with it-- showing them "if you want food, you kids must come outside".
Noelle came out very late.  When she came out at 2:45, she missed the perch, and fell-- caught herself by her wings (end to end across perch)-- with feet dangling in air (I hated to laugh but had to)-- but finally had to give up and just let go and fall.
She then spent until 4:52 climbing all around box, trying to get down to box-- she approached from both sides, and would get on top of box, but didn't make it down to perch again until 4:42am.  Then she went back in the box at 5:02am, a total of 2hr 17min out.
She (assuming Noelle) poked head way out again after getting first light, but decided (I guess) that it was too near daylight for another outing.  Whew." LoneStar / 7:30am PDT

Update from Jill:
Thanks for great pix Coulee! Last night at dusk I went outside to watch. A total of THREE owls ended up coming out of Palm Tree next door. First one came out, landed in another tree, and it was light enough to watch with binoculars!  Meanwhile, I could hear Bear and Willow bonding before they too came out.
All three circled the house a minute, then Bear and Willow back in tree to bond again while I lost track of third owl! Then treats starting coming in quickly. Five in 25 minutes!

CuriosityKitten's Cara gets a treat

Couleedam and Lonestar Pics

Couleedam and Lonestar Pics
Noelle On Mommy Feb 16 by Couleedam


Willow outside by Caboval